Tuesday, April 14, 2009

tough stuff.

We’ve had some tough decisions to make on the home front lately--& a heaping helping of tougher realizations that go along with them. If you haven’t figured it out already, I don’t do well with the future—I think about it, plan for it, think about it some more, but when push comes to shove, all I am really doing is worrying about it. About where we’ll live. About whether or not we’ll get my medical school loans paid off before we turn 40. About the life we’ll build for our children--& whether or not it will match our initial goals when we recited our vows.

I found this article. And I read it. And it totally resonated with me.

Jon just got back from training a couple of weeks ago. He was gone for almost 5 weeks—5 weeks during which I stewed & contemplated & worried about all things ‘future’. Until we finally talked about it when he got home…

And he reminded me the most important thing of all: we are in this together.

That is the beauty of marriage—the beauty of unity in marriage. We are on this journey together, humbly bowing before the One who made us one. Our goal was to follow the path He paves for us daily…and although it may get rocky, bumpy; although the path may end or the trail may make a switchback (or fifty), we’re sweating it out together.

The article was a nice reminder of that: the need to make a decision, regardless of how difficult, & move on together.

Which is what we are trying to do.

We’ve made our decision over much prayer, late night pillow talk, & serious contemplation…now life just has to unfold…& we have to hang on tight to one another while we make a run for it.


joyfuliving said...

isn't that so true?!

joining you in the whole-hearted run!


Jodie said...

thank you for always being so honest. i'm teary eyed reading this and i can't wait to chat soon. love you much j!!

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