Sunday, July 19, 2009

project 365: 07.06-07.12.09

{monday: 07.06.09} since the scale isn't my friend these days despite my workout sweat-my-butt-off efforts, i started tracking what i'm eating again. unfortunately, my enthusiasm only last three days after this snapshot...eating ice cream is way too important to me.

{tuesday: 07.07.09} my morning perch...uhh...station, i guess. this is where i get ready each morning. and although not too exciting, when my parents move & i am 48 years old, i think i might want to remember those hot vanity lights that tend to remind me (in the brightest way possible) that HEY LAZY BONES, IT IS MORNING!

{wednesday: 07.08.09} i realized that my purse is more like a duffel bag--searching for needed items turns into the search for the Titanic in the deep blue abyss. i'm thinking that i need to invest in a smaller purse...but then i realize that i can't shove my sunglasses, cell phone, 5 highliters, two books, a large wallet, pill bottles, extra bag, & so much more into a smaller purse. Shoulder surgery, here i come!

{thursday: 07.09.09} i didn't have to be at work until 11am & got adventurous in the morning: i went on a RUN! i promised jon that i'd at least give running a runners try (pun totally intended) while he was gone, in hopes that we could go on morning runs TOGETHER when he got back. so far, it isn't going to well...good thing i still have time!

{friday: 07.10.09} we LOVE skype! jon had a few extra minutes & got to talk to jodie & brett (whom i was visiting this weekend!)! we like to think that he was just sitting right at the table with us, invovled in every detail of the reality he was stuck in 100+ degree weather with intermittent power outages. we can dream, right?!

{saturday: 07.11.09} for the first time in YEARS i went down to Pike Place. and i fell in love with the Pacific Northwest all over again! i can't believe that we live in such an incredible place--surrounded by jagged mountains, blue waters, & a culture that is all-its-own. aside from the traffic of seattle, i think i want to live there :)

{sunday: 07.12.09} after a FABULOUS weekend with jodie & brett (hey! i have friends!!), i was so sad to have to leave. BUT...our plans for living on the same street when we all grow up & get real jobs (well, jon & jodie have real jobs--brett & i are stuck in non-working-young-adulthood) made me feel just a little better leaving them. i CAN'T WAIT to hang out again when jon gets home! i'm mentally planning the weekend already...& it WILL involve chocolate, ice cream, & board games :)

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Your pictures made me miss you again. Now that you're so close I actually think I miss you more. Which just means we need to make more visits back and forth. :)

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